The Writings on the Wall...

Hello Blogosphere,

Adjoa here, it has been a while since I sat behind my laptop to write something to share with my readers. I must say life has been in the way and my mindset hasn't been clear. I've been focused on things that have been distracting me from what I am passionate about. Ok, I shouldn't say there have been distractions but I should say that I couldn't manage my time and my passion and one obviously took the backseat. Also for those of you who follow me, you know that I have been working on a podcast, therefore, new interest new focus. But it's a new year and I am back to revamp my blog bigger and better for the future of this blog.  You are hearing it first, you are going to see this space and say "I knew her when and look at her now". Yes this year I am all about declaring the things I desire in my life and doing what I can with God's help to make it happen. Speak life into my life and let God do the rest.

I must say my life has been quite interesting, to say the least. I feel like every time someone asks me how I am doing I have a story for them. I almost feel like I have so much going on people will wonder this woman always has something. Trust me I can't make it up even if I tried. But then sometimes a lot of things happen in your life in order for you to be pushed in the direction that you are meant to go in.

I recently found out that my company wasn't going to renew my contract. I had given them my long hours, my days, my Saturdays, never been late, stayed longer some days to help out with overflow, did 12 hour days some days, I had to work in various areas of the business just to help out. I would come home exhausted. I was constantly reminded that I had made mistakes by my boss and when I asked to be moved around so I could learn more areas of the business I got told that I need to focus on one area. Most of the new staff that came in I would train, and help them move to different areas of the business. I would keep a cheerful disposition throughout the day and sometimes was told why am I so happy? Why was I so cheerful first thing in the morning? I know I was well liked by most of my co-workers or at least I that's the impression I am given.  I remember one of my coworkers telling me the first time I met you, I felt intimidated by you because I saw something in you that showed me this girl is going to go far but the more I got to know you the more I realized that you are one of the most down to earth, loving people I've met.
Anyways, as time went on, I just realized that, it wasn't the place for me. My heart wasn't in it, although I didn't let that stop me from performing at work.

Things just started getting weird at work, I started to feel like there was more to my career and my life. I started to crave this purpose I wasn't even sure what it was exactly. I started to long for this life that I wasn't even sure exactly what it looked like. All I knew in my spirit was that I was destined for more. All I knew was that I was holding myself back from the greatness that was inside of me. The funny thing is, and this is not me bragging and being full of myself, maybe I am but hey if I don't then who will? But I knew that greatness lived inside of me. I knew that greatness was begging to come out and I was my own wall. The people around me saw it day in day out, it reeks out of my skin pores, some encouraged it some tried to dim it. I just had to work at it to make that greatness come out.

When I was being told my contract wasn't being renewed, my bosses told me I was a good employee but not great. They made me aware I had no leadership skills whilst in the same breath outlining everything that I had done to demonstrate leadership in my company. They also apologized for giving me the impression they would have considered me for a role that came up in management. I sat in their office as they gave me reason after reason why they couldn't keep me there whilst in the same breath contradicting themselves why I was a great employee. It was hilarious, to say the least. After my meeting with them, I shared it with my immediate boss what they had told me and a few others and I think they were more upset than I was. I wasn't upset because I knew that this was the nudge I needed to get out of my head and go after my dreams. Their words instead of being hurtful rather empowered me. My worth wasn't in the words or opinions of people, my worth was in God, and He told me I am destined for greatness. He told me I am made in his image and so if someone feels otherwise that's their cross to bear not mine.

I have done a lot of praying, a lot of soul searching and a lot of jotting down exactly what I am looking for and I finally found it. It has been revealed to me through people through prayer, through my gifts. I had a week where random people told me the exact same thing what they believe was my purpose. The funny thing is I've known all along but I held myself back. Doubting my capabilities, doubting if this was indeed my calling. But finally embracing it has given me peace, has given me momentum, has given me exactly what I need to get the ball rolling.

In life, the world will show you exactly what you need to see at the right time.  Everyone's journey is not the same. Our timelines are not the same, I can't look at my sister's life and compare it to mine although she and I came from one egg. We are still two very different people. Her path is her own and my path is my own.  Every day I have the chance to make the change I want to see. I can't make excuses anymore as to why I am not where I need to be when I know it's my choices that will determine my path. Yes as a black woman living in this part of the world there are things that will always make it harder for me to move ahead, but then again do I let those blocks stop me or do I keep fighting until I make headway.

Yes at the end of the month, my chapter ends at my job. I am back on the market looking to find another job, but this time I am not worried, I am not walking in fear afraid that I won't be able to survive. This time I know the power is in my hands. I know God will take care of me, I know that this time around I know what my purpose is so I am not even scared, I know the kind of jobs I am going to target and I know that this time around I know that greater is coming because I am destined for greatness. I am excited but scared of my next chapter but one thing I know for sure is that everything is going to turn out great!

Sending love and light


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