Moving in Silence
I am all about inspirational quotes. If you follow my Instagram page you will notice I am quick to like anything inspirational. I will post in on my WhatsApp status, or screenshot it and send it to my friends. I consider myself a pretty positive person, therefore, anything that will encourage myself or others I'm all over it. Having said that, I see inspirational quotes and I cannot relate to it at all. Sometimes I feel like the person had good intentions but it was just missing the mark. It just seems like criticism as opposed to encouragement. And we live in a society where individuals are quickly triggered by what they see online. We have kids killing themselves every day because of what they are seeing on social media. We are all following people who seem to show their perfect lives, or gurus at something and allowing you to think your life is nowhere near where it is supposed to be. It is amazing how a small screen can influence us soo much to the point we model our lives around what people with no real school of thought tell us how to live.
Having said that, another quote I often see is "move in silence". Not only have I seen but I have heard it especially amongst us Africans. We are told "don't tell your business until it materializes'. My mom will often say it to me when I share some good news with her. Often times a friend will share some good news and they will say I am sorry I didn't tell you earlier I wanted to make sure it worked out in case I jinxed it. The superstition that is surrounded by opening your mouth and speaking it into existence or sharing it has become a part of our everyday life. I agree, sometimes, it is best to keep certain things quiet until it materializes. It saves you embarrassment or getting expectant about what may be.

Anyways I digress. My point is this, I noticed I have gotten out of hand and decided it was time to take action. I have prayed for months asking God to give me lockjaw so I won't have to eat so I lose weight. (just kidding) but I've prayed that God will give me the strength and the will power. I decided it was now or never. I immediately posted in a facebook group I belong to that I am looking for help. I appealed to the group that if there are personal trainers who are willing to help me out because I am currently struggling on my own I also appealed for advice, counselling whatever that will get me to take this new lifestyle seriously. I also appealed to the trainers that I can't afford them because of financial restraints. The response was overwhelming. I had personal trainers offering to help me at half their rates, those who shared their own tips with their weight loss journey. My sister was quick to chime in on ways I can get on point with my lifestyle change. Eventually, I had a personal trainer message me privately to help me out for free. I spoke to my close friend about it and she was quick to invite me to her work out sessions. She works out at 530am. Trust I almost said no but I got my butt up and got to the gym. One of my boys posted on social media and his Whatsapp status a gym challenge he was a part of and I reached out to him and he was quick to invite me to be a part of the group. Trust me these people in the challenge are not playing, even if you contemplate missing one day the roasting you will receive forces you to get up and go to the gym.
I'm at the gym every morning at 530 to work out for an hour and a half. I mean it has been amazing how help has come from all over the place and it was all from just putting it out there.
My point is this, moving in silence is important. Not everyone is interested in hearing what you are doing, not everyone means well. Occasionally others will steal your idea and make it their own. I can list many more reasons why moving silently is important. But sometimes, I mean sometimes, you have to let the world know what you are doing. Maybe not the whole world but at least in a space you know where help can come from. We are not insular. As much as we think we don't need people, we do. God uses people to help us have our prayers answered. God assigns people to help us fulfil our purposes. If you are trying to start a business, sometimes sharing it will lead you to those who can assist with execution. They can assist you the best way they can and even if they can't, referral to people who can help you or the very least, support you or pray for you. Sometimes sharing it will open doors that you have been trying to open that you had no way to open.
Mark Zuckerberg, in his college dorm room, started facebook. Without the assistance of his friends, facebook would not have materialized. There is someone out there waiting on you to share your idea so they can come for and help you manifest it. We are so quick to be quiet about everything that we think we are protecting our idea but we are rather burying it in the ground because we refuse to share it with those who can assist us. Some of you are praying for a spouse, but you refuse to let others know about it because you are ashamed or afraid you will be seen as desperate. My brother, my sister, by keeping silent the person who has been assigned to match you with your person may never know and end up having to wait longer than you should. As my mama always says 'if you don't sell your disease you don't get a cure'.
I'm all for moving in silence, keep it to yourself, wait till it manifests before you share it to the world. But before you keep it silent, ask God for guidance to open yourself up to the right people who have been assigned to help you.
Moving silently but loudly.
I love this. So so true. Good luck with your journey. I'm glad there's still some kindness in people and I'm looking forward to seeing the new you❤❤❤
ReplyDeletethank you chicka I appreciate it!