Dating in my 30s

Happy March folk,

I can't believe we are into the third month of the year already. It felt like January would never end and once January ended and for those who get paid monthly got your paycheck ending of January, everything started to move so fast. One minute it was the beginning of Lent and now I feel Easter is already here. Well three more weeks but you get my drift.

Ok, let me give you guys some updates; before the year ended last year, friends of my sister and I gathered in our living room, and decided to create vision boards. You should have seen our living room, it looked like an arts and craft room in a grade 1 class. The only difference is that we had jollof and dessert in the background. It wouldn't be the same without Jollof and I mean the real good kind of Jollof. Ghana Jollof! Anyway, after all the eating and building of our vision boards we were done. We all had similar but very different Vision boards, but the common thing was we all wanted to find love. Real love, find our life partners, have kids, live in our dream homes, have our dream careers and live happily ever after. Ok so we are not that naive, happily ever after doesn't exist but at least be blessed with a good life. Not to much to ask for women in their 30s .

Alright, so, does this vision board really work, I can honestly say so far things look a bit bright. Having your dreams visualized and posted right by bed so every night before I go to sleep I look at it and pray that the Good Lord will be done but also if His plan aligns with mine then I pray my vision board comes true. So, with regards to my health, things are looking bright. God willing by mid April one of my problems will be solved health wise. When it comes to weight loss, that is an ongoing journey but I am becoming more and more conscious of doing what is right and eating healthier and working out more. Career wise, work is getting worse but I believe that it has to get worse for it to get better. God is showing me signs to put fire under my ass in order to get even more serious with my job search and Godwilling I truly believe ending of May beginning of June I will be in a better job that will give me all that I desire. But when it comes to my love life well let's just say that I see a light at the end of the tunnel. I finally let go of someone, in my head I thought I could see a future with but I refused to see the signs that dude clearly wasn't interested. I had a deep conversation with one of my friends and she made me see that you know what girl don't waste your precious time on someone who clearly can't see your worth. Yes he seems like a good guy someone but if little things he can't even admit to it or pursue you why should you be the hunter. I then said Lord, I asked you for your will to be done your will is being done. So I relinquish all control and I letting you take control. By morning I woke up like the man never existed. I have been praying to God a lot saying that I don't want to sit around being hurt over a guy who wasn't mine to have so don't let me hurt especially over this one and to be honest it hasn't hurt one bit letting go.

Is there someone else in my life now, I can say that the future looks bright. I am putting myself out there and being more open. I am not going to restrict myself. I am not saying I am going to accept anything and everything of course not, But I am not going to look at the superficial things and be more open to dating and meeting people. I am going to stop looking at things negatively and saying oohh Toronto men don't approach, well if they don't approach to bad so sad.  There are 7 continents in the world with 7+ billion people why am I restricting myself to just Toronto. But in the same vein, I am not going to also make it something that I worry my head about. I had made a decision a few weeks ago that I am going to just focus on myself. Work on me. My health is paramount, finding a better job is paramount, at the end right time the right man will find me. Having said that, my online dating page, I've had a few men approach me. So I guess when you stop looking love finds you. Although, I can't say whether the right man is on there but its a start.

So yeah well dating in my 30s, so far I can't say but who knows maybe this year as I continue to write my blog, I can share my dating stories. But for now nothing to report, But at least I can say I am relinquishing some of my superficiality and staying open to meeting people. Also I am relinquishing control and stop forcing things that are not there. Once I start seeing signs, yellow and red flags, I won't have my eyes wide shut, but rather wide open. If something does not feel right, why waste my time on a dead fish, when I could be focusing on a real live one.  Why should I be the hunter when I am supposed to be the one who is being chased. I am lioness, and the only time I must hunt is when I'm hunting for food for my young. Until then let the lion do the chasing and let me the lioness sit back and filter between the weak and the strong.

Anyways, so yes that's my first part of the year. I'm hoping its going to be an amazing year. I am going to be healthier, better job, a  man and just being happy regardless of what happens in my life. God, bad or ugly. God will make a way.

Anyways readers, hope your desires all come to pass and if you made a vision board, I hope so far some of your visions are coming to pass.

Stay happy and blessed

lots of love


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