We made it out of 2016 let's see what 2017 has to offer!!!!

Happy New Year my lovelies!!!
Thank God we made it to 2017. At one point, I am sure I am not alone, a lot of us thought 2016 will not end. It was a very interesting year, to say the least. I believe everyone globally was challenged some way some how. I mean the news was extremely depressing in 2016 that I stopped watching the news. Almost monthly someone famous died and aside from the famous people a lot of people lost a lot of loved ones this year. A lot of us had our world turned upside down and it felt like we could never crawl out of it.  The memes that people made were just hilarious on how horrible 2016 seemed. But, there were some people who had an amazing year too. I mean globally a lot happened but I am sure individually some of us had a pretty good year. They might not have been big things but the little mercies we saw was a blessing. The fact that some of us made it to 2017 is a blessing. We woke up every day even if before we lay down the night before we didn't think we would make it we still woke up. We still saw another day, we still got the strength to keep going. So even if we say 2016 was a bust and it was the worst year and we do not talk about 2016 and all the crazy hashtags we made, a lot of things happened that was good. Out of pain, out of difficulty comes blessings.

I am not here to talk about all the little blessings in 2016 had to offer everyone in the world; because my perspective may be different from others but I am here to review my 2016. Some of you might be able to relate but maybe through my review, some of you will look into your lives and see that 2016 was not all that bad.

I have to be 100% honest, I was frightened of 2016. I felt like my 2016 was very uncertain. I mean I created my vision board but as I was creating my vision board, I had this sinking, scary feeling that 2016 was going to be a very difficult year. I don't want to label myself the prophet of doom but trust me, maybe I did not feel as hopeful as some people felt. I remember going out on NYE 2015 and it felt bad. When the clock struck 12, I don't think I was jubilating or celebrating like others and even if I did it wasn't genuine. Anyways so we made it into 2016 and I think my feelings even started that night. I swear you do manifest your thoughts good or bad you manifest it. It started with me not having a good time that night. It was cold, it was miserable, I just hated that I was not in my bed but out in the cold in uncomfortable shoes, which by the way today I can wear those shoes all day without even flinching. Then trying to get a cab to the restaurant was a challenge, then the TTC which is the Toronto Transit Corporation promised that all night the subway will be running and to get to the subway at 3 am and the subway was closed. Then having to trek to get the bus and the line for the bus was soo long. We had to wait all night for the bus and eventually got home at almost 5 am in the morning and I remember being miserable the whole day because I had to endure the night before.  What a way to start the new year! But then I went into the new year negative so obviously, I will continue that way. It is funny, my grand aunt once said to us that if you enter into January 1st with a bad attitude the rest of the year will be just as bad. Why did I just remember that right now instead of back then? But thank God I changed my mindset.

2016 I knew that I won't end the year in my job. I even refused to book vacation because if I booked a vacation I would end up staying at my job. So I didn't want to jinx it so I decided not book vacation time. Well lo and behold, lay offI did not stay in that job I got laid off. I remember my sister said that you caused your layoff. You spoke it into existence and it came to pass. I said I didn't speak it into existence that I will lose my job. I just said I will not spend another summer there and yet I didn't speak a positive word in that. I could have said that by June 2016 I will be in the right job and a job that will elevate me to the highest places.  But yeah maybe I didn't speak it into existence maybe I did who knows all I know is that I got laid off and I nearly cartwheeled myself out of my bosses office that day. But one thing I learned about myself is this, I hated my job, it wasn't a secret, I tried to put in my best but I kept thinking and saying how I was overly qualified for the job and I hated it and this is beneath me. I stopped caring whether I hit my target or not. I mean I went to work every day, I would be reliable by always being there, but when I was there I complained more than I was there. I am not saying it is my fault I was laid off but I am saying my attitude was not positive. So it does not matter whether I got a new job or not but if I carried a negative attitude I would carry it into my new job. And at the end of the day, I could have been blessed with the most amazing job, getting paid loads of money, getting benefits for days but if my attitude did not change I will still complain about it. So I've learned that no matter where I am in life, whether I have a dream job or not, my attitude will determine my experience. Always see the blessing and silver lining in every situation and be thankful for every step and in that way I will be elevated. Also this is also a way for me not to just settle for anything because it pays well, or it's convenient, but rather go places where I know I will be useful, and happy and I will help others instead of myself and where I know I will grow even if I have to start at the bottom.

I had surgery in 2016, which I shared with you. I went into my surgery not scared or worried. I remember I was joking with my surgical team. The attitude I took with me made my surgeons even more motivated to make sure I recovered well. I remember walking in and seeing my gyne who I first saw when I started noticing signs of fibroids and my doctor who he referred me to. I was so excited that I had these two doctors who were with me and I almost ran and hugged them. Recovery was painful, but you know what is amazing, during that time a very close friend was going through a very difficult time. I do not want to say exactly what he was going through because I want to respect his privacy but you know what is amazing, you would think that during that time, I would be so self-absorbed in my recovery and with a woe is me attitude but I put my focus on being there for him. Supporting him through his difficult journey. One thing I've learned about life is this, sometimes you might be going through a difficult time in your life, some days it is hard to deal with your situation but then when you look around you there is someone who is going through a difficult journey, maybe worse than yours. Sometimes you might have to put your issues aside even if not aside but you start to look at how blessed you are and you give your attention to those who need you. Through that, you find healing in your issues or peace. But what you don't realise that whilst you are focusing on someone else, someone is focusing on assisting you with yours and it is a domino effect. I learnt that I need to stop dwelling on my problems and issues but helping others through theirs. And that I tell you brings you blessings on blessings. But also it is important to remember to take care of yourself.  Yes help others but know when to pull back, let them go through it, be far enough you don't hurt yourself in the process but be close enough that when they stretch out their hand they can still touch you. Sometimes being supportive of someone is doing something as simple as praying for them. Encouraging them with words of hope and bible passages. Sometimes spending time with them and just sitting with them. Sometimes a text to let them know you are there for them. It makes a difference. This world is so lonely and cold that sometimes when we are going through something we feel like life is so lonely but, having people around you, even strangers showing care goes a long way. So even if you are not receiving love or care, don't forget to give it to someone who needs it because that little act love goes a long way.

One thing I learned that timing is everything. We want so many things when we want it. I remember that this year, I would set goals or set time limits on everything I did, when things didn't happen when I wanted to happen I would be upset. This year I said that by June 1st I would be working, June 1st came around I was not working, but the funny thing is I had other things that took up my attention that I would not have been able to do if I had to start work. I had to go to NYC, we moved apartments and that was time-consuming, packing up and setting up the house. I swore that this summer I will have a job. Trust me this summer, no job. But you know what? I got the opportunity to volunteer at a girls summer camp and it was the best experience ever. Had I been working, sight seeI would have missed out on that. My cousin came to visit us for the very first time and she needed me home to sightsee with her. I was able to enjoy my summer fully, go out, meet people, have fun. Relax, form connections and bonds.  I was grateful I did not have a job at the time because if I had, I would have missed out on experiences. I remember, my same friend I told you about above, since he had such a difficult time I invited him to come to Toronto to visit so that he could get away from all that he had been through. I invited him during labour day weekend.I had planned we will go up to Niagara falls and just go hang out and enjoy it. I did not hear from him. I was like you know what its all good. I have learned not to let things get to me when they don't happen.  After inviting him, a few days later my sister comes to me and says  our long time friends I have not seen since their wedding years ago were  coming to Niagara falls for labour day weekend and they would love us to come down to Niagara to see them. You see how God works! I quickly agreed. We went up to Niagara falls and we had the time of our lives. It was such a happy visit that I am sure we will all never forget it. I believe had my friend come, I would have missed out spending time with my friends. Not that we couldn't do things together we could have but, because he was going through a difficult time who knows how he would be feeling. He might not have been feeling sociable. I would have felt torn between hanging out with my friends  or with him. At the end of the day, we might want certain things to happen at certain times but God has a different plan. He might not deny giving it to you but it might not be when you want it. But when the time is perfect.   Having patience and also letting God's will be done. Learning that when things don't happen when they are supposed to instead of being upset or throwing a tantrum, I let it go and say thank you, Lord, and let whatever He has for you happen at the right time. A delay does not mean denial it just means that it is not time yet or something is better is coming.

One thing I think is my greatest blessing is having a closer walk with God. I realised that I couldn't go on this journey called life without God. I knew God, I prayed to him, I used to go to bible studies in Ghana so I got to learn about God. I believed I was a Christian but did I intimately know God? I don't think I did. This year, I was having a difficult time. I felt hopeless, I felt lost, I knew I was negative. I hardly saw the silver lining. One day I felt so heavy with this burden I  went  for a walk, I couldn't keep my mind still. I was listening to Marvin Sapp and I felt like I couldn't go on. I kept praying in my head that "God,  give me a sign to keep going". I was crossing the street and I saw a guy with a shirt that said "Never give up, Never Give in". I went home got on my knees  had an ugly cry and prayed. I prayed till I felt the burden lifted. I  watched War Room, ordered the book Fervent by Priscilla Shrier and gave my life to God. Trust me ever since then, I got to know God intimately. I know one of the things I wanted in 2016 was an active prayer life and God being faithful made that happen. Now before I start my day I pray, before I go to bed I pray. I spend time reading the word and watching religious programs and trying to live according to the word. It has been life changing. I still face doubt, fears, but I know that God is working and making me change. He opened my eyes to the things I was doing wrong and He is helping me change daily. As I said I am a work in progress but knowing that God is with me throughout my journey keeps me going. And He has given me the drive to keep fighting, even when the impossible seems impossible I keep going. You can't tell me nothing. I trust God through it all. I know that God is faithful and He only wants what's best for me. I keep going daily and trusting Him.

So Well 2017 is here, I entered 2017 with one killer boil. It is right on my left butt cheek. It is painful as hell. This autoimmune disease is a killer. But I won't let this disease have me. I am taking drastic action to have a healthy lifestyle. Today I had planned to go to the gym, but this boil is hindering my walking so I won't be able to go but I know that whilst I'm home even eating well will help. I'm praying this boil will burst so I can have my life back. This boil is a reminder that 2016 was a pain in my ass which is giving me a pain in my ass lol. Anyways but my attitude would have been different a year ago. This time I see it as a wake-up call to take action, instead of complaining and moaning, I can take action, eat well, get help when I can and also a reminder that even though life will be in a pain in the ass  do you do what you can to prevent other boils from happening or do you sit and complain and do nothing.

2017 is here, 2016 is gone (it took long enough) Betty White , Cicely Tyson,Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip survived.  The past is over the present and future is here. This time I walked into 2017 hopeful, without fear, with joy in my heart, knowing that God was going to come through and you know the difference between this year and last year is this, my intimate relationship with God. Last year my relationship with God was sub par so I walked into the new year with fear. This time it is amazing so I know that whatever life throws at me, God will be right there hitting them with a bat and I will be running to home plate every day.  Last year in October my dear cousin told me about having a thanksgiving Jar, so in mid October every night, I would write down the things I was thankful for and January 1st I read over them. As I was going through the things I was thankful for I realised that language plays a huge part in how we manifest things. I became conscious  that I was thankful for certain things but they had negative connations. I became cognizant that I didn't let certain things I desire happen because of the negative outlook I had about it. For example, I desired a job I will say thank God I did not hear back from a job because I know God has a plan. How can I be thankful for not hearing back for a job? I mean that's not what I wrote but this is an example.  This time I changed it and said I am thankful for the job I am about to receive, I know it is anointed and blessed and it will bring God the highest glory. It has not happened yet but changing the language keeps me expectant and it motivates me to keep on searching and not just settling. But rather to keep fighting and believing it will come.

Guys, so I implore you, this year the first thing you can do is speak life into your situation. Trust God, have faith, make time for God. One thing I did was this, if I had to go somewhere early in the morning, I would wake up an hour earlier than I should and do my devotional, pray before I left my bed. If I had to sacrifice an hour of sleep to spend my morning with God then that is a sacrifice worth doing. Because at the end of the day with God, I can keep going. No matter how sleepy I am, I made it a point to write my daily thanksgiving note and also pray before going to bed. This year I wrote down I wrote down desires that God has placed in my heart and put them in a form of prayer. Because in Habakkuk 2:2-3

Anyways guys, I've gone on for too long. Happy new Year!!! May this year may all your desires come to pass, no matter what is going on in the world may it not discourage you from being faithful and trusting God. If you are desiring a spouse, especially a godly one, then read up who is a godly spouse and also look up if you have the traits of a godly spouse. Are you someone you would like to date if you were to pursue you.?Write down your visions, if you have a desire and you are not sure about it and people say to let it go, go into the bible and see if you can find a scripture to back it up. If it's there then keep going. Those in relationships, 2016 annihilated a lot of relationships but don't let 2017 do the same. Keep fighting, keep working, even if your spouse or partner is not doing the work, you do your part. If your intentions are pure and selfless trust me God will turn it around. And make God number 1 or whoever you believe in number 1 in all that you do. Trust that change is coming and know that at the appointed time it will come to pass. Take care of you and take care of those around you. Love each other, do not be afraid to let those you love know you love them even if you do not get the response you want. And don't take things so seriously, life is meant to be enjoyed. Laugh at yourself more often so when others laugh at you, you can laugh with them. Fastest way to shut down your haters. Do not be afraid to take risks, Thank God for your blessings even if all you have to be thankful is the air you breathe. And cut out any negativity. Most importantly, have blind faith. You might not see the things you desire but trust that God is bringing them together. Lastly, do not compare your journey to someone else's. You have your own race to run. If  you keep looking at those around  it will force you to go down someone else's path. Also as you run don't forget to pick people up who have fallen by the way, because you do not know when you will need to be picked up.

God bless you all and your 2017!!
lots of love


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