To the love of my life..

Hello Blogosphere,
Today is going to be a little different. I don't want to write on any specific topic. I am just going to write a love letter. Now before anyone thinks I'm desperate or crazy, I was inspired by the Tori Kelly song "Dear Noone". So this letter is for my future husband and to all the single men out there who are looking for your future wives. She is out there somewhere and I am sure my words will bring you some reassurance that there is a woman looking for you too. Also to my single girls, you are not alone, one day God will bless you with the right one.

Dear love of my life,
As I write this letter, I do not know who you are. We may have crossed paths in the past, stole a glance and even a smile. You could be from my past or someone I'm yet to meet. All I know is that as I sit here and write this letter I'm patiently waiting for you. It feels like I've been waiting forever but I know my wait is not in vain. I know that every day that I am granted on this earth, I'm getting closer and closer to you. We may have taken a few detours along the way. We may have fallen in love once upon a time but our timing was never right. I may have broken your heart or you broke mine a few times before, but I do know that when God brings us together whether it is a reunion or a first time meeting we would be grateful that we grew along the way to make our journey together, a beautiful one.

I am not the easiest person to love sometimes, I know that much. I love my independence and my freedom. I love to hog the bed and especially the duvet. There are times I do not want to be touched or talked to. There are days I live inside my head and do not like to be disrupted. There are days my mood will change as quickly as the seconds tick. There are days you will not like me very much or won't be able to stand me. I can be a brat, very irritable and irritating. But trust me, even in those times I promise to always love you.  And when you feel me pulling away and I am on the verge of walking away, I want you to promise to never let me go and fight for our love and get me to focus my eyes back on you.

I long for the day when we will hold hands and pray together when we would read our bibles together. I long for the long walks because I love to walk. I long for the days we would work out together and even when I am exhausted you will keep me going and push me till I can't take it anymore. I look forward to the day we will argue and fight and we think that we can't take it anymore but we will go on our knees and pray that God will heal our hearts pray that things will work out. I pray that our days will be filled with joy, laughter and happiness and even when through the darkest moments we will stand by each other through it all. I am not going to be naive and think it will be a journey of champagne and roses. I know there are days when all seems lost but I pray that God being our everything we will make it.

I pray you are loving, kind, generous, have a sense of humour. I pray you are hardworking, ambitious, my best friend, my support system, my protector, thoughtful, loves to have fun but also will be serious when you need to be and a family man. I pray you understand that marriage is a covenant between God and us and will not think it is not worth entering. I pray that I will be attracted to you, mentally, physically, sexually, emotionally and spiritually and you will feel the same way too. I pray your love for God will be so strong and passionate that it will make me want to continue to love Him more and I pray that I motivate you to continue to love God. I pray that your smile will be what will draw me to you. I long to be held in your arms and you will kiss me. I pray that you will bear with me when all I want to do is stay home curl up on the couch with a great glass of wine and watch my reality shows. Of course enjoying my favourite meal and dessert. But you will force me to get up and go out and enjoy the day. I pray that you will endure my long rants especially when I am talking about something I am passionate about. I hope you will share my love of travel and food.I pray that you will open my eyes to the world I have not seen and teach me things I do not know and I will teach you and open your eyes to what you do not know. I pray that I will be your Proverbs 31 wife. I pray that you will be all that I have ever prayed for and more. I am sure you will be the sexiest man I ever meet and that my breath will be taken away the minute I lay eyes on you.And I pray I am all that you have prayed for and more.

So as I write this letter I don't know who you are, where you are and when I will meet you. I will not search for you or chase after you because I know that God in His own perfect time will let the stars lead us to one another. I just pray that when we meet, we both know we are meant to be. I promise to be faithful to you as I wait on you and I promise that I will not desecrate our relationship and wait until we stand at the altar before God and our loved ones and declare our life together. So whilst I wait, I will keep living my life, enjoy my single season. Make myself better for you and me. I promise I will be all that you are praying for and more. I promise that the day we lay eyes on each other we will thank God for the broken road that led us to one another. So until then, I pray you are staying faithful and true. I pray our broken hearts and tears will all be worth it in the end when the Good Lord brings our hearts to beat as one as we take this crazy journey called life.

I'll love you till the end of time.
lots of love
Your future wife


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