Adjoa and the quest for British Sausages
Hello Blogosphere,
It is Thursday and it is a rainy day in Toronto. I will take the rain over the snow any day but at the end of the day, I can't wait to enjoy the sun and sitting on the patio with a nice cold drink, with my girlfriends and chowing down on some good food and people watching. Patience they say is a virtue but trust me if you live in Canada it is very difficult to be patient when you have flip flop weather. One day it is summer the next day is deep winter. The weather in Canada is what we would call a F@#$ boy. Inconsistent, unreliable, and definitely not dependable. Brings you hope one day and the next day it breaks your heart; especially some weekends when you need the sun and the warmth and then the weather ends up to be crap. Come Monday the weather is beautiful but you can't enjoy it because you are stuck behind a desk.
Anywhoooo, enough about the weather, I am just going to sit around patiently waiting for patio season.
Well again, as you can see my love for food has come through on my blog again. Yes, I do love food but most people can relate to food because everywhere we go we are inundated with restaurants, food trends, food food food. Most people my age if you want to plan to hang out with friends you must make sure there is food involved. One of my girlfriends will plan for us to go to the theatre but the minute she comes up with the idea of a play or an event the next question follows up will we meet up before to have a meal first or after. Even if a night of dancing is planned, we have to make sure that at the end of the night, a stop to either the golden arches or to some food joint or our fridges have food so we can eat. Can I have an Amen when it comes to the love for food!!
Let me tell you a story about my quest to find British sausage. I loooooove sausage. I always order sausage when I go out for brunch. I always want sausage on my pizza, even at Mcdonald's I always order the sausage egg McMuffin. But, what I love most is British sausage. Have you ever had British sausage before? I don't know how to describe it but it is amazing. At least for me. One of the reasons why I love to go to London is so I can have a proper fry up. For those who do not know what a fry up it is British sausage, eggs, baked beans, mushroom, tomatoes, bacon, toast and a proper cup of tea. My mouth is watering as I type this out. I normally opt out of the bacon. I'm not a big bacon fan. I know I know such an abomination, I should renounce my birthright as a Canadian for not loving bacon. It is like saying I hate maple syrup. Which isn't true. But yeah it is amazing. So these past few months I guess since the beginning of the year I have been desiring British sausages. The Canadian sausages just have not been doing it for me anymore. I find them overly salty, and fatty and just not tasty. So I've been longing for British Sausages. Thankfully, when I went to Ghana I had the chance to fly through London so I was able to have my fry up and it was heavenly biting into the juicy sausage. Also, when I went to Ghana I had the chance to have some British sausages which again was amazing. Anyways, I came back to Canada and still desiring sausages, so the quest to find some began. You know what is amazing and I'm sure the Brits in Canada would agree. You would think that Canada still a part of the commonwealth, and still under British Rule we would have access to a lot of British products. Ummm not really, I mean a few things, yes, but honestly try finding British Sausage is damn near impossible. I mean like of all the things the British left us, their English, their spelling their names and part of their culture they would have left behind Cumberland sausages, but no these people had to take their sausages back with them. I mean like seriously!!!! the one thing I want I can't find.
Anyways, so I spent time online searching and searching for these damn sausages and you know what Eureka!!!! I finally found a place that had sausages. It was one Sunday morning, instead of taking myself to church I was busy on google looking up sausages. You see priorities!!! My fat behind was more concerned with food than praising God. So well God being God and being so kind He made a way when there seemed to be no way. I got up, took a shower, got on a train and I was on my way to finally be reunited with the sausage. The blessing was it was an oddly warm day for February and the sun ways out. It was as if the heavens opened up to guide me on my way to find my sausage. So I get to the store after a long ass walk from the subway station. I get there tired, and hungry and I walked into the store, looked in their freezer section and ahhhhhhhhh!!!!! there they were, my British sausages. They had different types. The only thing was it didn't' look like what I'm used to seeing but I'm like well it's not about how it looks it's how it taste. So here I am loading up on sausages. Did I forget to say how expensive these sausages are? My gosh trust me if I wasn't desperate to find these sausages I would have walked out and just gone elsewhere and got regular sausages. But I said you know what? I've come this far so why not. The guy at the cash assured me it was the best sausages ever. Even google reviews had said it was really good. I mean how can the clerk and google deceive me? I mean isn't it legit people who write reviews on google? Anyways, I take my treasure and trust me the walk to the station was far shorter and the ride home was just a breeze. I mean I was in sausage heaven. All I could think about was the sausages sizzling the pan and I will be biting into the sausage and the juiciness. My goodness, I was soo excited. I got home put those bad boys on the stove. I didn't even want to waste time putting into the oven because that will take too long. So here I am frying away, getting my other stuff ready. Had some good earl grey tea. Finally, my breakfast was ready. I sit down on the couch, I put the tv on a channel I enjoy and if you know me I always eat my meat last. Something I've been doing as a kid. There is a science and method to how I eat. But this time it was like forget my method let me take a bite of this sausage. I took a bite and trust me it was the most disappointing thing ever. My heart broke with every bite. I mean it wasn't like it was horrible but it tasted nothing like the sausage I'm used to. I mean it tasted like the regular sausage I always eat in Canada. I felt deceived, I felt betrayed and I felt like I just wasted all that money on basic sausage. I mean talk about false advertising. I felt like google had deceived me, the clerk had deceived me. I felt my whole existence was a lie. Ok, it wasn't that dramatic but you get my drift. So I reluctantly ate the sausage. I was hoping that as it was ending I will get a taste of the taste I was familiar with but no. I could have cried. Talk about all that wasted effort and only to realise that it wasn't worth it.

Anyways, the point of my story is this and I had to learn from it. Sometimes we spend so much time chasing after what we think we want. We picture and envision how perfect it will be for us. We want nothing else. We would go to the ends of the earth to get it. Spend money do whatever we can to get what we want and only to get it and it is a huge disappointment. It wasn't worth the effort or the time. But we have spent so much money and effort sometimes we have to hold onto it until it just passes it's expiry date, or we lose it or whatever it is or we just lose interest. Let me turn it around. To my single ladies and this goes to myself. We know what we want and it's not a bad thing, but then when we see a guy that meets our desires, we will move heaven on earth to get with him. Sometimes we are lucky that our hard work yields positive results and it is everything we want and more and sometimes it doesn't. After going after the guy of our dreams we sometimes realise he really isn't all that. He isn't as we had hoped or imagined. Sometimes he is a wolf in sheeps clothing. He is as disappointing as my british sausages. But then we can't throw him away right away because we are hoping that every day he would improve and change and become the guy we need and he doesn't.
There is nothing wrong with having standards, wants and desires. I mean ask and it shall be given to you. But at the end of the day, if you have to struggle to get the guy you want you need to ask yourself is it supposed to be this hard? Will he be worth the struggle? I believe what you are supposed to have will come as easily. You won't have to question or doubt, or worry. You wouldn't even have to work as hard as we are working to get the guy we want. Just focus on you, do you. At the right time your prayers will be answered and you wouldn't have to struggle so hard for what is yours. Anyways, what do I know! But what I do know is after chasing after my sausage, be it a man or actual sausage it has always been disappointing and then I have to hope each time that it will get better with time but it really doesn't. It still taste the same and eventually it just goes bad and I have no choice but to throw it out. So this time I have decided, to wait, focus on me. Once in awhile I will crave it but I am just praying that at the right time I will be joined to my future husband and or british sausage. Either way I will focus on me. I will let people know I am looking for sausage/man. I am keeping myself ready and open. I'm keeping my eyes peeled. But I know the next time around it will come to me with no effort.
Now what did I do with the rest of the sausage? I used it in quiche and I believe in pasta sauce and I have two left in the freezer. I might just use it in an omlette or do something with it but I definitely I cringe everytime I think about my journey to find sausage. At least it was a nice day and I got a bit of sun.
Sometimes you have to find a different use for it or find a purpose to use it just so your money isn't wasted.
Wishing you a better sausage experience than mine.
Lots of love
Lol, I loved this. I had a good laugh but also loved the moral of the story. Keep it up sis.
ReplyDeleteLol, I loved this. I had a good laugh but also loved the moral of the story. Keep it up sis.